It was over a shared cuppa one dull November afternoon in Loves café that the idea was born.
Well, actually it was Anna who voiced it, Jan just made appreciative noises.
How about Loves hosting a fundraiser event for Mudlarks?
Maybe a swim followed by lunch, or maybe a moonlit swim followed by dinner?
No , both too tricky to manage timings and numbers.
How about a dinner and music event?
Should she see whether Lipinskis were available?
Yes Yes Yes!
And so The Winter warmer was born.
With Claire on coms, Mark on IT, Josh on advert design and Anna organising venue and food we were off,
Christmas came and went, and just as we were about to sink into the January blues, Josh’s advert flashed up on all our screens and we were saved.
Tickets and raffle tickets were bought online with only a few people accidently signing there life away in a the form of a £2.00 recurring donation by mistake.
The evening was a great success, a sell out in fact.
A huge crowd of people gathered, who struggled to recognise each other with flowing hair and party clothes ( rather than swim suits , scragged back hair or vast dryrobes).
We sang a lot; There was some embarrassment over the fact that knowing all the words of all the songs probably gave away our age.
We also danced a lot. Tables had to be moved out of the way as enthusiasm grew. Wine consumption masked the fact that muscles and joints used for dancing are completely different to those well oiled by daily swims.
The following day told a different story! But no matter, we had an amazing time. We ate a lot, sang a lot , danced a lot and drank quite a bit. We got to know each other in a different way and raised lots of money for improvements to the lake in the Summer.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Anna and Josh for hosting; to all the Loves staff and volunteers especially to Farshid and Vladimir who helped Anna with the cooking and got a taste of mad British socialising.
Massive thanks to Lipinskis
What a Night!